Wednesday 22 March 2017

pointers to structures(structs)

using namespace std;

int main(){
struct codes{
int isbn;
string description;
struct abc{//structure template
struct codes handle;
string author;
string book;
float price;
struct abc libry[2]={{{1213,"magical book"},"J K ROWLING ","HArry Potter",23.21},{{12132,"fantasy"},"William Hayt","engineering circuit",23.1}};// declare libry variable that will contain 5 records

struct abc *point;

cout<<"address of first member of struct abc = "<<point<<endl;
cout<<(*point).book<<"was written by "<<(*point).author<<" and its isbn = "<<(*point).handle.isbn<<"and its pprice = "<<(*point).price
<<"and the book is about "<<(*point).handle.description<<endl<<endl;
cout<<"now for member 2 of struct "<<endl;


cout<<"address of second member of struct abc = "<<point<<endl;

cout<<(*point).book<<"was written by "<<(*point).author<<" and its isbn = "<<(*point).handle.isbn<<"and its pprice = "<<(*point).price
<<"and the book is about "<<(*point).handle.description<<endl<<endl;


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